Friday, November 24, 2017


Happy belated Thanksgiving!

I hope you all had a lovely holiday with your loved ones. I just wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you for being part of my blogging journey these past few years. I really appreciate all of the feedback and comments.

Reflecting back, this year has been one of the most challenging years that I have faced. Amid the ups and downs of everyday life, I am very thankful for the continued love and support from family and close friends who have always been there for me through the toughest of times.

2017 has been a year of adventure, soul searching, and figuring things out. I've learned a lot about building inner strength, initiating change, and letting things go. Growing up has never been so hard. 

Having learned so many lessons this year, things are starting to look up. I've never felt more sure about who I want to be, what I want to do, and where I want to end up in the next couple of years. Organization, a positive mindset, and a plan of action definitely help!

Here's to finishing the year strong, and to many more memories to come.

Until next time,


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